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Iant can be purchased via Cambria Publishing here.

Or via Amazon here.

About: Text

Iant is a novel inspired by what I have been told about my grandfather’s life…


He died when I was two but I have a battered old postcard addressed to me when he was dying, signed ‘love Taid’.


There wasn’t much to go on, but from what I have been told he sounded like a man worth trying to reimagine.


Perhaps not very typical of his time. Something I have always been pleased to know.

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I became particularly interested in the women that might have been in his life, both through chance and through the necessity of family ties. I hope I have done them as much justice as the central character.


I hope that this is a book not about any one man or woman though, but that whole generation. The millions of lives shaped by two world wars.


The terror of fighting in the first era of weapons designed to kill many at once was one thing. But then there was going home, trying to make a life again. This was, after all, a conflict not only about the mass slaughter of your friends, but also taking to you to places full of possibilities. And what was it like for communities to have people with such experiences back in their midsts?


Iant is a work of fiction, but it was also a chance to connect to something. A quite remote part of my personal history. I hope it’s a story that will resonate with you and your sense of the past, whenever you were born.

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